HealthPoint Nepal is established to introduce innovative technology in the health applications. We at HealthPoint Nepal, beleive that by taking the advantage of the technology we can touch the lives of many people in a good way. One of the product, we are presenting to the people of Nepal is the telecardiology. We are building the best in tele-medicine technology for monitoring of ECG and other vitals of a person, remotely and 24/7 as needed and prescribed by the physician/cardiologist. So why not use the technology to save lives!
Telecardiology is the fastest developing part of the telemedicine. What actually is the matter? This takes the ECG into the next level. A person is fitted with ECG and other sensors and that will measure ECG and other vitals like blood pressure, oxygen levels etc contineously. The readings are transfered to central computer systems using mobile data network and monitored. Our telemonitoring system makes ECG in "Live Stream" mode. This ensures tracing even the most minor deviations from normal heart work. By monitoring online your blood pressure, oxygen saturation, heart rate and we indicate any signs of coronary artery disease. The patients are calm, because they are monitored nonstop by specialists and they can rely on quick and adequate reaction when necessary. Many medical conditions are defined before they become a serious health problem. The continuous telemonitoring gives the best opportunity for correct diagnosis. The aim is to improve the quality of life of the patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases and those at risk of these diseases by providing the best telemedical care.